Preserving formatting of the original document


Is there a way to disable changes in formatting of the code? I have my 
document formatted with tabs so that I can change it by hand. And so I 
need Amaya to preserve this formatting. Further more if I change one 
letter in the file I would like only one letter to be changed (unless I 
explicitly say I want to do some clean up).

BTW. I didn't find the shortcut key for hiding the Tools Toolbar in 
amaya.kb. After installing Amaya (seems to be true for both VC9 and 
plain version) when I pressed [Right-ALT]+[S] (which should give "ś") 
the Tools Toolbar is shown/hidden. Polish (grammatical) Right-ALT is 
(AFAIK) mapped to some extend to CTRL+ALT.


Received on Wednesday, 13 January 2010 18:38:17 UTC