Bug? Is the the write venue for reporting problems?

I was trying to create some HTML to display some fonts.

Syntax was very basic, I thought, but when I tried to edit it with amaya 
didn't pick up any of the font settings in the <span> tags.

Does amaya not support CSS span or fonts in span tags?  Now that I think 
about it, I don't see any easy way even to specify fonts in amaya.   I 
only see options for Arial, Times or Courier  is that intentional (so 
maybe it stripping out my font  tags was on purpose?

Is it planned to add font support or is it broken?

Some sample html looked like:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" 
<html><head><meta content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" 
http-equiv="content-type"><title>Script Fonts</title></head><body><span 
class="Cambria"><big><big><span style="font-family: 
Cambria;"><big><big>This is test Text in Cambria. 
0123456789</big></big></span></big></big> <br>

It was produced by 'komposer', another editor in works.  It's odd that 
it used the 'big' tag  and not a
'font-size:xx% in the span.


Received on Tuesday, 15 December 2009 06:03:58 UTC