The Create book and TOC features - thoughts

The Create book feature looks at the current document (from now on 
referred to as the "create book" file) and replaces all anchor element 
links (as long as they have a rel="chapter" or rel="subdocument" 
attribute) with the destination resource.

Drawback: since the TOC links are _replaced_ the TOC is also lost during 
the book creation process.

To circumvent this, one may place the TOC in a separate "TOC file". And 
then, in the "create book" file, insert an anchor element that links to 
that that TOC file. Then you avoid destroying the TOC that is used to 
build the book.

So far so good. But the resulting content of the "create book" file 
still doesn't contain any TOC for the book. All the links in the "TOC 
file" was replaced with whatever they linked to during creation. So how 
do I also get a TOC into the resulting "create book" file content?

So, in order to workaround these gotchas, you must have two TOC files 
(and two links in the "create book" files - one for each version of the 
TOC). One TOC file where each link has a rel="chapter" - these links 
will be replaced. And in the other TOC file, you must *not* have 
rel="chapter", so as to prevent that the links get replaced with the 
book content. Which is backwards: One must avoid using rel="chapter" in 
order to get it right ... (That said, it seems if you add rel="chapter 
next", then Amaya gets confused - it skip such anchors during book 
creation. I guess one could call this a feature, perhaps ...)

If you want to have a TOC for the content of each chapter file, then you 
must create the TOC within that chapter file - at least if you want to 
use Amaya's excellent TOC creating tool. But then you stumble upon 
something: If the chapter begins with a H1 element, then the H1 element 
will be excluded from the TOC of that file. Amaya excludes all H1 
element when it creates TOC. 

And that is why, having created a "book", you cannot use that book to 
create a TOC, since all the H1 elements will be excluded.

            Where to start ...

    * I think that Amaya should leave the question of whether to include
      H1 in the TOC to the authors. For simplicity, Amaya should include
      it in the TOC.  It is simple to delete the link to the H1
      element(s) if need be. This is really the crux in the above. If
      only it had included the H1 in the TOC, then I could have first
      created the entire book, and thereafter I could used the resulting
      book content to build a new TOC.

    * It would have been nice if the Create Book feature use <link
      rel="chapter" href=""> instead of - or as alternative to - <a
      rel="chapter" href="">.  If it did, then the "create book" _file_
      could be reused over and over.


      <head><title>create book file</title>
          <link                         rel="first chapter"
      href="chapter-1" />
          <link rev="chapter-1" rel="chapter"       href="chapter-2" />
          <link rev="chapter-2" rel="chapter"       href="chapter-3" />
          <link rev="chapter-3" rel="chapter"       href="chapter-4" />
      <body><!-- book can be built here --></body>

      I don't know if the rev="" attributes are needed - but they could
      be used to verify the order, as seen above.

      (If nothing else, it can be a good tip for authors to actually use
      <link> the way I propose above, as it will allow you to easily
      rebuild the TOC ... )

Leif Halvard Silli

Received on Tuesday, 11 August 2009 01:32:17 UTC