Re: wishlist

Hi flow space,

> would be nice to paste images from clipboard.

I'm not sure if this is feasible. I do understand the convenience but
this means that Amaya would need to:
 * Take the clipboard image and turn it into a file;
   * Decide in which format (PNG is generally good for simpler images
like screenshots, JPG is usually better for more complex images such
as photos but it's lossy);
   * Decide whether the file should be stored (next to the HTML file
would be a good default but several users would want it in a
"resources/images" or similar location;
   * A data URI could be used instead of a file, but it would also
turn the document's source into something pretty nasty to edit and
would increase the file size dramatically.
 * Place a link to the file location (again, a data URI could also be inserted).

I'm not saying that Amaya shouldn't take this route (I'm not even sure
if it's not possible already), but I'm convinced that the author is
the best person to make the content management decisions described
above... ;-)

> also, a possibility to save defaults would be nice.
> I mean I get crazy when I always have to enter an alt text if I insert an image. Just put the image's name as default alt text, and I'm happy, or the last thing entered.

Entering the file name and/or the last thing entered would make the
whole "alternative" concept to go away, don't you think? The "alt"
text is meant to be displayed whenever the image is *not* available.
Note: although IE displays it as a tooltip when placing the mouse over
the image, it shouldn't -- the "title" attribute is the appropriate
and interoperable way to provide a tooltip (and also works in IE). I'd
say that keeping alternative text descriptions short and clear was the
best way to do it, although remembering the last entered value could
also be interesting, if used wisely... :-)

> Also, why does It not recognize and keep settings I make?
> when I make a table, I want to have my settings as I entered them before.

Yes, remembering the previous values here could be interesting (maybe
even persisting them between sessions?), but this might be addressed
in a global fashion (not just for tables but for all inserted content
with user options). Nevertheless, I'm convinced that generally this
was already discussed a few times in the mailing list, and I take the
opportunity to recall that this is an open-source project and that
everyone is invited to participate! ;-)


  Helder Magalhães

Received on Sunday, 1 March 2009 20:39:43 UTC