Text displayed within Amaya compared to text displayed within other browsers.

Text in Amaya displays differently than it displays within regular 
browsers even when the text is correctly formatted, this can be true 
even with pages that are created within Amaya.

The text often displays smaller and bolder in Amaya than it displays 
within the major browsers, and this can change the appearance of a page 
layout. Plus, line spacing often differs and sometimes even fonts 
display as a different family than the font that is displayed within the 
major browsers. This happens even when the same page is open in Amaya 
and also open within a browser such as Firefox or IE side by side on the 
same PC.

This will be confusing for basic users who use Amaya to edit the text on 
a page. Users will ideally want the page that they are editing to 
display exactly as it displays within their regular browser.

David Lockett

Received on Friday, 13 February 2009 11:44:20 UTC