Re: data urls

> fail ... All major browsers and many of the minor
> varieties can pass Acid 2

Not quite: IE (6 and 7), unfortunately or not, are among the major
browsers and is likely to hand around for a long time (due to
enterprise upgrade policies, which are generally very slow). This is
pretty broken in Acid tests [1]... :-| Fortunately, IE 8 is finally
passing Acid 2 -- years after its direct competitors, so I'm generally
happy with the move. :-)

> i am wondering if you are testing
> progress against Acid 2  or some other reference ???--

Yes, using Acid tests would be nice, maybe Acid 3 also, given that
Amaya renders a useful set of SVG already. ;-)

 Helder Magalhães


Received on Tuesday, 3 February 2009 13:44:17 UTC