ver. 10 (2008.02.12) - tab switching

[I'm working in Kubuntu 7.10 Linux. A long time user (and appreciator) 
of Amaya.]

I really like this new version - no real problems so far. However...

1. LINKING: I miss the old right-click=link activation functionality. It 
seems all gone. I realize it's very non-standard, and having things work 
in a more expected way is a better idea. But...might it offered as an 
option? I always thought it was quite handy.

2. MOVEMENT FORM TAB TO TAB: I cannot see how to do this without the 
mouse, which I'd much prefer to avoid. I expected that at least 
Ctrl+Page{Up/Down] would work, but it doesn't. It's painful to have to 
reach for the mouse so I can click on a tab. Awful, in fact. Am I 
missing someting - is there a way to move to another tab using a 
keyboard shortcut? I looked in the shortcuts and didn't find anything.



Received on Sunday, 24 February 2008 19:29:23 UTC