Re: accented characters

Vincent Quint wrote:
> Hi,
> This is not a bug. This is because your document is encoded in UTF-8
> or ISO-9959-1, I suspect. You can check in Amaya with command
> File/Document_info (Charset), or with the <meta> element in the
> source view.

yes you're right about this: iso-8859-1

> When saving a document, Amaya encodes it according to the chosen
> Charset. You can change the Charset when saving a document: use
> the File/Save_as command. The dialog box offers you a selector for
> changing the Charset.

actually, this dialog does not offer me a selector for the charset (if
i'm trying to "save as" and already existing document).

Furthermore, the Document_info dialog does not allow me any modification.

If I manyally change the charset with us-ascii in the source, and open
it again, the Document_info dialog still reports iso-8859-1.

And if I save the document from the wysiwyg view, the charset is
overwritten again with iso-8859-1.

The version of amaya I'm currently using is
amaya - 9.54     Feb  6 2007

> Character entities like &egrave; are generated only with the Charset
> us-ascii, because characters with diacritic marks do not exist in this
> encoding. When they are available in the chosen charset, they are
> just saved as a single character. This is more compact and more
> readable. If you really need an ASCII encoded file, say so when
> saving the document.
> But who needs ASCII encoded documents nowadays?

well, since I'm including these html files from php files, during the
inclusions characters such as è are not correctly displayed... the only
solution for me is using &egrave;.

what could I do?

thanks in advance

> Vincent.
> On Tue, 20 Feb 2007 08:37:28 +0100 Lorenzo Bettini <> wrote:
>> Hi
>> I noticed that while using the wysiwyg editor, accented characters such 
>> as è are not correctly translated in the html &egrave;
>> this can be done manually by using the source view.
>> the problem is that, once you inserted the html code &egrave; and you 
>> switch to the wysiwyg view and you save your document again, all the 
>> manually inserted codes &egrave; are once again replaced with è.
>> Is this a known bug?
>> thanks in advance
>> 	Lorenzo

Lorenzo Bettini, PhD in Computer Science, DSI, Univ. di Firenze
ICQ# lbetto, 16080134     (GNU/Linux User # 158233)

Received on Tuesday, 20 February 2007 11:49:32 UTC