Re: Multiple spaces converted into one

On Sun, 03 Sep 2006 01:43:23 +0100, Robin Whittle <>  

> I am suggesting that the following change be made to Amaya:
> Rather than collapsing multiple spaces in typed or pasted text, that the
> second and subsequent spaces be converted to non-breaking spaces.
> I don't think this needs to be an option - I think this should be
> Amaya's normal behavior.  It doesn't impose any burden on users, as far
> as I can see, since those who want one space between sentences will type
> or paste one space.

It's not quite that clear-cut - implementing this proposal would inflict  
compulsory mutiple spaces on people who don't want them but insert extras  
by mistake. Either they would have to go to the source view to delete the  
unwanted spaces or Amaya would have to have an option for deleting them  

An option in the preferences for or against collapsing multiple spaces is  
the easiest solution.



Received on Sunday, 3 September 2006 06:44:22 UTC