Call for wxWidgets developers


First, I wanted to send some kudos to the Amaya devs around. I finally 
downloaded Amaya (9.5) now it is available for Mac OS X and I'm really 
impressed. The OS X UI doesn't exactly look like a good old Mac native 
app but it's functional and, for me at least, that beats pretty...

What brings me here though is that Amaya is developed using wxWidgets as 
a X-platform framework for its UI (part of its OS X woes being a direct 
consequence of this...). This is interesting to us (OSAF) since we are 
also developing a rather big X-platform desktop application (Chandler, 
see using wxWidgets (actually 
wxPython which is a SWIG wrap of wxWidgets but most of our problems are 
wxWidgets problems).

I checked the wxWidgets mailing lists and haven't been able to identify 
lots of Amaya folks there (apart from Stephane Gully announcing Amaya 
8.6). Since we are both developing new, modern, X-platform, big, 
consumer-ish (as in "which has a broad appeal"), internationalized 
desktop applications, I'm sure though that there are *lots* of problems 
we both have and that it would be mutually beneficial to talk about 
these and brought them to the front of the wx community (for instance: 
Unicode input and IME... Anyone?... :) ). I'm not exactly talking about 
active collaboration but sharing issues and, possibly, solutions (e.g.: 
we did solve the native Mac Toolbar issue and you might be interested by 

Of course, this is assuming there are wx inclined developers in the 
Amaya community. Is there anyone out there who'd fit that profile?


- Philippe Bossut
OSAF - Chandler

Received on Friday, 4 August 2006 22:23:07 UTC