False Errors ......

I'm still getting an error since the last four releases.


line 23, char 2: mismatched tag


The mismatched tag is </head>


Also two releases ago, Amaya would say that there is an error on the
background color in the style sheet.

*** Errors/warnings in D:\G\Web Pages\dij\main.css

line 55: Invalid color value "FFD700"


and the line is:

                        /* Name of Line Runner */

.location            { background: FFD700;               /* Gold */

                          color: Red;

                          font-size: 18pt;

                          font-style: italic;

                          font-family: "Times New Roman";

                          font-weight: bold }




(we are apt of borg - rpm is futile - you will be dpkg'ed)


Received on Thursday, 24 February 2005 15:01:44 UTC