css !important


Amaya seems to having problem with the !important. I get a few errors when I
 run my html / css file in Amaya. As you can see line 149 and 150 is
 identical but line 150 gives an error. Line 319 also gives 4 errors when it
 should be one.

Amaya parser
line 131: Missing closing ';' "white-space: nowrap"  line 149: Missing
 closing ';' "vertical-align: middle" line 150: Missing closing ';'
 "vertical-align: bottom"
  line 151: Missing closing ';' "vertical-align: top"
  line 319: Missing closing ';' "text-decoration: none"
  line 319: Missing closing ';' "text-decoration: none"
  line 319: Missing closing ';' "text-decoration: none"
  line 319: Missing closing ';' "text-decoration: none"

css file

131: .nowrap                  {white-space: nowrap !important;}
149: .middle                  {vertical-align: middle !important;}
150: .bottom                  {vertical-align: bottom !important;}
151: .top                     {vertical-align: top !important;}

316 h1 a:hover,
317: h2 a:hover,
318: h3 a:hover,
319: h4 a:hover                {text-decoration: none !important;}

> Regards,
> Jens Wedin

Received on Tuesday, 25 January 2005 13:25:57 UTC