more on entities and attributes

when I use the Amaya 8.7.1 editor to add a value attribute
 to an input control:: typing abcΔ
  produces abcΔ in the source which is really incorrect!
it is doing a translate of & to & at a point where 
this kind of translation should not be done !!!

Amaya should produce value="abcΔ"

In addition, the use of entities in a value is not prohibited by the
html 4.01 recommendation.  Amaya implementers may choose
not to display them but then recommendation 5.4 regarding
indicating non-displayable characters should come into effect...

But most importantly, the Amaya editor should allow entry
of legal values and not modify them!!  This would enable 
Amaya to be used as an editor even in situations where the
created documents were intended to be viewed by alternate
browsers such as in the creation of forms !!! 

john russell [those are L's as in LLAMA]

Received on Tuesday, 11 January 2005 13:17:28 UTC