Amaya 9.0-pre Errors .......

I'm running Win2K using Amaya 9.0-pre

I can't seem to get rid of this error.  I had this error in v8.7

The error points to the tag "</head>".

I have not changed anything at the <head> of the page, and this has been
this way since the last several edits of this page.  Last time I fixed
it by editing it using Netscape Composer, saved it, then back to Amaya.
The code is below.  Maybe one of the meta tags is too long.  I'll try to
shorten it and see.

Blue lines are links activated by a double (or a single) click

*** Errors/warnings in D:\G\Web Pages\dij\index.html

  line 23, char 2: mismatched tag


It now doesn't like one of the colours (Gold) I have had on my page
since the beginning.

*** Errors/warnings in D:\G\Web Pages\dij\main.css

  line 55: Invalid color value "FFD700"





  <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;

  <meta name="DESCRIPTION"

  content="Recordings Of Dial-A-Joke And Telephone Entertainment Lines
In The Los Angeles Area And Beyond, Jokelines">

  <title>Dial-A-Joke Telephone Entertainment Phone Recordings Los

  Area &amp; Beyond, Jokelines</title>

  <link rel="stylesheet" href="main.css" type="text/css">

  <meta name="CREATED" content="Wed, 9 Oct 2002 00:00:00 GMT">

  <meta name="CONTACT" content="">

  <meta name="Language" content="EN">

  <meta name="OWNER" content="BATTERYMAN">

  <meta name="AUTHOR" content="BATTERYMAN">

  <meta name="revisit-after" content="30 days">

  <meta name="rating" content="14 years">

  <meta name="Subject" content="Phone Line Recordings">

  <meta name="ROBOTS" content="INDEX, FOLLOW">

  <meta name="objecttype" content="Catalog">

  <meta name="KEYWORDS"

  content="Phone Recordings, Dial-A-Joke, Real Audio, Telephone
Entertainment, Comment Lines, Jokeline, Dial A Joke, Kook Line, Fluke,
Vermont, Mainline, Superfone, Laffline, Shokus Hotline, Convex, Wrong
Number, Uncle Bill, PhunFone, Funfone, Phun Fone, Ben, Zygot, The
Machine, KSOUR, Sounding Board, Bloopline, Feedback, Mobile Monolith,
The Link, Why Not!, Dual Phase, Montage, Thanx, Observatory, Calcom, REC
Networks, Movieline, CinemaScoop, Orange County Connection, K-Fone, Test
Board, Partyline, Electric Return, Short Circuit, SoundStage,
Clothesline, MP3, Mike Gorman, Shmuck Pumim, Ass Breath, Gnutella">

  <!-- Recordings Of Dial-A-Joke And Telephone Entertainment Lines In
The Los Angeles Area And Beyond, Jokelines-->




(we are apt of borg - rpm is futile - you will be dpkg'ed)


Received on Thursday, 9 December 2004 18:54:16 UTC