Re: copy/paste HTML text in Windows

> Should Amaya set this format (CF_HTML) in the clipboard, aditionally 
> to the other formats it sets, then it's interoperability would be 
> enhanced by letting copy and paste from main browsers into Amaya's 
> browse view without needing to resort to an HTML source view neither 
> in Amaya nor in the other program.
> Setting an aditional clipboard format has no impact on existing 
> functionallity.

This is an interesting feature,
I know that wxWidgets supports these differents clipboard formats (it 
exists also picture format : copy/paste between Amaya and Paint ) so If 
I have time, I will integrate it into new Amaya user interface.


Stéphane GULLY - (

Received on Monday, 25 October 2004 12:27:59 UTC