Making Installation XP-Compliant

          Regarding the following section of the Designed for Windows XP

          Application binaries must have valid file version information

Correct file version information has several benefits, including making 
it easier to meet the requirement of not overwriting files with older 
versions. Accordingly, /all executable images that you distribute must 
contain valid file version information/. When you display or get the 
properties of an executable (EXE, DLL, OCX, CPL, and so on), they must 
contain an accurate Product Name, Company Name, and File Version.

I see the following issues:
File Version seems to be displaying only the major version.  That is, it 
is displaying instead of 7.2.
Company Name is being included with product name.  These should be separate.

No information is being included.

Brant Langer Gurganus

Received on Sunday, 30 March 2003 19:16:18 UTC