Re: Exit on Amaya7.2 and emacs

Paul Cheyrou-lagreze wrote:
> I do use both and never had this problem... 
> What is your window manager ?
> Until we can reproduce the bug,
> you should add this to your .emacs :
> ;; ...never quit by mistake...
> (global-set-key [(control x) (control c)]
>   (function
>    (lambda () (interactive)
>      (cond ((y-or-n-p "Quit editor? ")
>             (save-buffers-kill-emacs))))))

I encounter ^X-^C quitting both amaya and emacs even after having added the 
above elisp snippet to my ~/.emacs! However I can't see any pattern in when it 
happens and when it doesn't. And I encounter that very behaviour on 2 
different linux boxes both of them set up with Redhat 7.3 and both of them 
using the sawfish window manager.

Christian Mondrup, Computer Programmer
Scandiatransplant, Skejby Hospital, University Hospital of Aarhus
Brendstrupgaardsvej, DK 8200 Aarhus N, Denmark
Phone: +45 89 49 53 01 -

Received on Friday, 7 February 2003 11:53:43 UTC