Announcement] Amaya 7.2

The Amaya team is proud to announce the Amaya 7.2 release.

  Binaries (Solaris, Linux, Windows NT/2000/XP /9x/ME) are available at:

  Source is available at:

  Debian packages are available at:

  RPM packages (for Redhat 8.x) are available at

WARNING: The location of the Amaya user directory has changed in version 7.2 for the Windows XP/2000/NT
platforms. When installing Amaya for the first time on these platforms, Amaya will try to 
create the Amaya user directory in the following order: 
   1) By looking at the values of the HOMEDRIVE and HOMEPATH environment variables, 
   2) Document and settings\login-name\. WINNT\profiles\login-name. 
When reinstalling Amaya, Amaya will see if the Amaya user directory already existed in one of those paths 
before trying to create a new one.

This release includes mainly bug fixes and some new features, among which:

  * CSS: Support of AUTO value for properties width, height, and margin. 
             Improved handling of  background color and image properties..
             Bug fix in the handling of cascading.

 * Edition: Structured cut and paste didn't always work on WINNT/2000/XP platforms.
                Better handling of the name and id attributes during edition and cut and paste. 
                External (X)HTML or MathML documents included by an (X)HTML object element are
                now displayed.

 * SVG: The support of group opacity was incomplete.

 * MathML: More operators are now recognized as large operators or stretchy fences.
                  Elements semantics, annotation and annotation-xml are now supported, as well as 
                  their attributes.
 * Annotations: Updated the protocol implementation to conform to the new Annotea Protocol draft.

For more details see 

     Irene Vatton (INRIA) - Amaya Chief Architect
     Jose Kahan (W3C)  -  Amaya Activity Lead

Received on Monday, 3 February 2003 12:07:06 UTC