Re: Amaya 7.1 on WinXP will no longer start

> Problem solved:
> I had to add the DOCTYPE
> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
> to the top of the file set as my Home Page for Amaya to run.
> Though this file opened fine in the past, I thought the home page setting
> might be the problem, but I couldn't find where to change that setting in
> WindowsXP manually, outside the program.  
> In any case, I think crashing because of a missing doctype can be looked
> into.
> bye,
> George Herson

Hello George,
I can't reproduce this crash on my Windows box. Could you sent us your Amaya 
home page so that I can fix it.


Laurent Carcone

Received on Monday, 3 February 2003 07:06:55 UTC