Installing Amaya on OS X - for beginners and experts

Hi folks,

I have updated the instructions for installing Amaya on OS X [1] - 
thanks to Carine Bournez and Damian Steer (and the fink project) who 
have done a lot of work to make it work. (I also added a smaller 
screenshot of version 7.1 running on OroborosX). I suggest that the 
link on the Amaya home page point to that, rather than the listing in 
the fink database which isn't actually a very helpful place to find out 
how to install Amaya.

The latest version provides instruction for installing a binary package 
(the easiest way, but currently only gives version 6.1) or compiling 
version 7.1 with fink (still pretty easy) or by yourself (for people 
who like a challenge or want to try the internationalised version).

If people have used fink to install version 7.1, please provide 
feedback to the maintainer (fink info amaya will tell you where to send 
it) so that it gets into the stable tree and a binary becomes available 
(or so problems can be identified and resolved).



Charles McCathieNevile 
Fundación SIDAR             

Received on Thursday, 30 January 2003 03:32:48 UTC