Re: compile problem: No such dir as Xm

Irene Vatton wrote:
>>Irene Vatton wrote:


>>>You can also test to compile the GTK version.
>>So I re-ran ../configure with the --with-gtk option, but I then get the same 
>>errors from make:
> You have to clean up the whole object directory to avoid confusion with the 
> previous
> configure.

I just tried this with make clean (since has "# make clean : removes all 
object files, but keep the binaries in Amaya/obj /bin").

# make clean, however, leaves as is the LINUX-ELF/Options file (a file which, 
again, was auto'ly generated).  A subsequent ../configure also leaves the 
Options file as is.  Running # make all, therefore, still uses old options.  So 
I had to delete the Options file to put a new ../configure --<options> command 
into effect.


>>. . .
>>../../thotlib/include/thot_gui.h:156:19: Xm/Xm.h: No such file or directory
>>../../thotlib/include/thot_gui.h:157:23: Xm/PushBG.h: No such file or directory
>>. . .
>>until, that is, I deleted the Options file and re-ran ../configure.  (Since I 
>>didn't touch that Options file, I didn't have any settings in there i didn't 
>>want overriden, so maybe configure should warn the user when it won't write new 
>>Now make worked and amaya runs.  (Its warnings were mostly of type
>>../../thotlib/base/registry.c:1498:8: warning: extra tokens at end of #endif 
>>So i'm all set, thanks alot.
>>>>my platform: redhat linux 7.2 on intel.
>>>>This time I installed Amaya 6.2 via rpm but in the future I may want to try the 
>>>>CVS version.  Suggestions for next time?

Received on Wednesday, 21 August 2002 12:58:44 UTC