Re: international keyboard input in Amaya/Windows 98

> Hello,
> These are some issues with Amaya:
> I tried Amaya in Windows 98. Unfortunately, it does not support non-latin1
> keyboard codepages, and interprets any keyboard input as latin1. It is even
> worse, as it displays the characters as typed (also in source view!), but
> finally, &xNN; entities are written to the file.

Input methods change with the platform and the country and today we don't know
what is sent by the keyboard. We're working on that and hope some help from 
people that work on internationalization can help us to find a good solution.

Today Amaya uses Unicode as basic encoding. By default it's able to generate
ISO-8859-1, ASCII, and UTF-8 which are encodings promoted by W3C.
Nevertheless it's able to read Windows code pages (provided the encoding is
declared) and keep the encoding when the document is saved.

> It is not possible to paste an international text into the Title dialog box
> - I had to do it in source view.

It's the same problem for the cut/paste between applications. The encoding 
be clearly declared.

> One can not change encoding etc. without saving a file. It is not easy for a
> new users to guess that it is possible at all, until they see the Save as
> dialog box.

The Save command doesn't displays dialogs and Amaya doesn't have to change the 
encoding of the current document if the user doesn't request that change.

> Regards,
> C.S.

Received on Wednesday, 14 August 2002 08:32:11 UTC