Re: Error Report

> Dear sir:
>      I created a math xml file named 2.xml by Amaya.
>      But when I viewed it in IE6.0,I got a error message as you can
> see in the BMP result file ,before.bmp.
>     when i cut from  2.xml second line:
>       <!DOCTYPE math PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD MathML 2.0//EN"
>       "">, and reviewed it ,i 

I suspect that IE6.0 doesn't recognize that dtd or doesn't manage it
correctly. It probably works better with a next IE version.

> got another
> result described in after.bmp.
>     From the error message,i guess that there must be something wrong in 
> .

As MathML defines entities you have to declare the dtd.

>     Please do me a favor tell me how to tackle this trouble.
> Kind Regards

I suspect that IE6.0 doesn't manage correctly this kind of xml file.

Received on Tuesday, 13 August 2002 03:31:36 UTC