Re: automatic Border, Template, ACP

Charles McCathieNevile wrote:
> With regards to having a community process, it is heavily related to who is
> going to do the coding - different people working on Amaya have different
> priorities. That said, having some fairly open way of working out what is on
> the timeline as a sooner, or later, plan would be helpful, and what has been
> rejected.

"To help track bugs, their priorities, what it affects, etc., I think a
system such as Bugzilla or Bugzero would be useful."
Sascha »SCommmodore« Claus                   WBG Kontakt, L. E., Germany                                   PGP-key:0x9E095CA2
The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with
the average voter.      (Sir Winston Leonard Spencer "Winnie" Churchill)

Received on Monday, 18 March 2002 12:40:41 UTC