Re: losing back end of docs?

> Hi,
> I'm using Amaya 5.3 with jigedit and still occassionally losing the very end
> of my docs. It tends to be the $Id: $, but that's just what I usually put at
> the end. Is this an amaya bug or a jigedit bug? Anything to do about it?
> Thanks,
> Danny

Hi Dany,

It's difficult to say immediately if it's a amaya or a jigedit bug. We need
more information to find the origin of the bug. The best would be to have a
document that always generates the bug, but that could be a dream.
In any case point us to the document that caused the trouble. We will try to 
save it in a temporary directory on the server available for testing this kind 
of things.

Received on Wednesday, 13 February 2002 02:50:38 UTC