URIs relative or absolute Re: Feature Request

Having a browse button for the attributes is a neat feature, and I
support the request, but I don't think of it as ihgh priority.

Being able to make URIs relative or absolute is a good thing. In addition,
when saving as, it should be possible to select whether relative URIs, URIs
with the same root (i.e. /some/path/starting/with/ as opposed to
../../some/path/with/dots or some/plain/path) and absolute URIs are
transformed with more granularity.

Turning the "transform URIs" into a dialog that selected these, and possibly
allowed the three to be selected differently  for image and object data,
should be workable as a User Interface.



On Sat, 5 Jan 2002, Brant Langer Gurganus wrote:

  I would like a browse button for HREF and SRC attributes.  This would make
  consistent capitalization easier and less broken links.  An option should
  also be given as to whether the URL should be relative or absolute with
  relative being the default.

Received on Saturday, 5 January 2002 20:47:26 UTC