- From: John Russell <ve3ll@rac.ca>
- Date: Mon, 3 Sep 2001 21:04:01 -0400
- To: Michael Bowen <fizzbowen@mindspring.com>
- CC: www-amaya@w3.org
i just tried to duplicate your problem -- but on my machine it places an ≅ and displays as approx equal (with tilda) using win98 and amaya 5.1 (july 11) binary !!! On 3 Sep 2001, at 17:21, Michael Bowen wrote: > I am using Amaya to create MathML snippets for my mostly non-mathematical > web pages. > > I noticed that the Greek Alphabet menu in the Amaya MathML editor also > contains some handy math symbols, one of which is the approximately-equal > symbol, located in the fourth row of the grid, immediately to the left of > capital Greek "alpha". (It looks like a tilde stacked on top of a standard > equals sign.) One of my "equations" is only approximately correct, so I tried to > use this symbol for the first time today. Upon clicking the symbol, Amaya > incorrectly writes this into the file as the character entity ≡, > rather than as ≅ (equivalent to ≅ or U+2245, according to Chapter 24 > of the HTML 4.0 spec). The next time Amaya opens, it displays the incorrect > expression as an identity symbol (this looks like an equals sign with a 50% > bonus). > > Although I can fix the symbol by hand (and it thankfully stays fixed, once I > correct it), I am hoping that the fix would be a "quickie" replacement of the > ≡ string with a ≅ string in a table somewhere. Unfortunately, > IANAP (I am not a programmer), so I can't do it myself. > > I am running the Windows 95/98 precompiled binary, downloaded from the > public Amaya site. Thank you for your consideration. > > --MB > John Russell, VE3LL@RAC.CA http://www.cgocable.net/~jrussel Be sure to check your HTML markup code tags by using http://validator.w3.org or http://www.htmlhelp.com/tools/validator/
Received on Monday, 3 September 2001 21:03:06 UTC