- From: Dave J Woolley <david.woolley@bts.co.uk>
- Date: Thu, 12 Jul 2001 11:42:42 +0100
- To: "'www-amaya@w3.org'" <www-amaya@w3.org>
> From: Jose Kahan [SMTP:jose.kahan@w3.org] > > Does the following directory exists on your stations: > > c:\temp > > and can the Amaya application write to it? > > [DJW:] It does exist and does have Amaya and thot71 sub-directories, but the driver is out of space, so Amaya can't write to it! (It's VFAT, so there is no access control.) There's just over half a MB of content, all Amaya/Thot, except for one 21kB file. Clearing it out causes Amaya to start displaying the home page, but TMPDIR=d:\temp, in the thot.rc file, doesn't seem to prevent cached entries being put in c:\temp\amaya. > Could you also tell me in which path Amaya is installed? [DJW:] d:\program files\amaya\
Received on Thursday, 12 July 2001 06:43:35 UTC