some problems with v4.3.1

I noticed that more math entities were quitely added Thanks!
only one on my test page that is missing now is 'parallel'

But I notice some difficulties that i hadn't spotted before:

1] If the author style sheet has a background image, it 
 doesn't repeat (default condition).  I added to stylesheet
  to repair action of Amaya but it still doesnt repeat
  test with

2] On startup my edit mode is off (that is good) but the
editor still works (THAT IS BAD). If I select edit mode
and then deselect there is no edit allowed (good) so it
looks like an initialization problem

3] Edit toggle still takes two times for first action.
  initialization problem too!

4] Edit toggle does not respond to the shortcut routine.

John Russell, VE3LL@RAC.CA
Mystery readers may want to click on DOROTHYL

Received on Friday, 16 March 2001 07:57:41 UTC