Signed documents and Amaya

I have just recently read the Acrobat 5.0 specs, which support annotation,
and  X.509 digital signing for both document, and annotations (and I
think webDAV).

Can anyone comment on any plans for  Amaya to support xsign signing
with its annotations, and whether it does now or will support eg

(we have a scholarly article in press on xsigning in chemistry which  I
am happy to send privately to anyone who wishes to read it. We used
FOP to convert it to Acrobat, and we obviously have the original in
XML. We are waiting for IE 6 to come out to test the new XSLT
components one last time). 

Henry Rzepa. +44 (0)20 7594 5774 (Office) +44 (0870) 132-3747 (eFax)
Dept. Chemistry, Imperial College, London, SW7  2AY, UK.

Received on Thursday, 15 March 2001 08:10:56 UTC