Request for behavior when creating new files

Hi Folks,

I'm using Amaya 4.1 (23 Nov 2000) on Linux.

When I use amaya on the command line, "amaya foo.html"
opens the existing file foo.html just fine. 

When I type "amaya bar.html" and bar.html doesn't exist,
I would like amaya to create it in the current directory
(or at least prepare to create it in the current directory).

Instead, amaya prompts me for a different file name
in a different directory: /New.html

If I type "amaya foo.htm bar.htm" I'm not prompted at all.
[Is the amaya command line documented?]

Thank you,

 - Ian
Ian Jacobs (
Tel:                         +1 831 457-2842
Cell:                        +1 917 450-8783

Received on Thursday, 22 February 2001 12:42:55 UTC