Re: changing the AmayaHome directory for Win 98

In our previous episode, said:
> In a previous message, I said:
> > Is there a way I can install or configure Amaya to have it create the user
> > preference file on the K: drive rather than in the default location?
> said:
> > A possiblity would be to have a variable in the thot registry (/Amaya/
> > config/thot.rc) that you could use to give the home directory. If that
> > variable is defined, it'll override the default value.
> >
> > Does this make sense to you?
> That should do, as I would be able to configure thot.rc to point to a 
> location that is user-specific. I look forward to this modification.


I made the code change to support this feature (one option change in one
function call). It'll be available in the next Amaya release (sometime this

You'll need to setup the user's home directory in the config/win-thot.rc
file using the APP_HOME variable.


Received on Monday, 20 November 2000 06:45:35 UTC