Amaya Preferences dialog box suggestions...

Hi -

I've been using Amaya more and more lately, especially since the release
of v. 3.2.1, and I'd like to offer some suggestions regarding how the
Preferences dialog boxes work.

You may have perfectly valid reasons for making them the way they
currently are, so if this has already been considered and rejected,
forgive me for wasting your time.

The following suggestions only apply to the Win32 versions. While I use
the Solaris (CDE) version as well, I'm not as familiar with their GUI

Amaya "Preferences" dialog box notes:
(1) The "Apply" button should commit changes made by the user in the
dialog box, but it should not close the dialog box. That behavior should
be reserved for the "Done" button.

(2) Generally, the "Done" button should do two things, it commits changes
made by the user in the dialog box, and it closes the dialog box.

(3) A button layout for these dialogs boxes you might want to consider is
as follows (this would make their behavior more in line with standard
Windows GUI conventions):

        [ OK ]  [ Apply ]  [ Cancel ]

The "OK" button commits changes made by the user in the preference dialog
box, and closes the dialog box.

The "Apply" button commits changes made by the user, and the preference
dialog box remains open.

The "Cancel" button negates changes that have not yet been commited by the
user, and closes the dialog box.

Thanks for listening, and thanks for a product that's becoming more and
more useful in my daily development activities!

- Jeff

Jeff Rankin

Be Valid To Be Cool

Received on Monday, 13 November 2000 13:19:54 UTC