em size

further testing reveals that amaya sets em size prior to
setting type size for the next bit of text .......
this results in indentation taking on m size from the previous title
or heading and not the anticipated work that it is indenting

as a test  use a margin : 4em   style setting
then a bit of code such as 
<p>a bit of junk</p>
<p>a bit of junk</p>
<p>a bit of junk</p>
<p>a bit of junk</p>
so my margin was probably set from the size of h1 or some default
i think the fix is the sequencing of em determination...
it should come after the size of type is determined for the text
for indenting with em defn
for margins it is more vague as to what to use ....
probably the best is the browser default size or the size of the
normal txt if determined by font specification in style sheet......
oh the unraveling of problems when we try to use html for 
what it was never intended.

john russell  VE3LL@RAC.CA

homepage: http://web.cgocable.net/~jrussel

Received on Friday, 24 September 1999 10:56:22 UTC