Re: Bug Report: Horizontal Scroll Bar

I'm not part of the Amaya team, but like the rest of the world I have tried
to contribute a bit. I work on accessibility, so I have worked with the team
as they improve the accessibility of Amaya, and I have done a bit of
tinkering with keyboard controls and documentation.

Other than that I am a user, so I give feedback...

Charles McCN

On Wed, 15 Sep 1999, G Browne wrote:

  Thanks, Charles -
  I posted the original message, then changed my anti-spam alias to something
  less embarrassing ;->
  I'm using Amaya to create a web page which is narrower than an entire
  screen; my goal is simply to verify that anyone viewing the page will be
  able to scroll.
  Scrolling works in other browsers, of course -- I'd just like to verify that
  it would scroll properly in Amaya, which appears to ignore "nowrap" in table
  cells -- another bug?
  One of the previous postings hinted that the problem might be worked around
  by modifying a config file. I was hoping for an "official" reply from the
  Amaya developers.
  Are you are involved with Amaya development at W3C?
  At 10:27 AM 9/15/1999 -0400, you wrote:
  >This is a known bug. I hope it gets fixed soon - it can be a real problem.
  >Charles McCN
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--Charles McCathieNevile  
phone: +1 617 258 0992
W3C Web Accessibility Initiative
MIT/LCS  -  545 Technology sq., Cambridge MA, 02139,  USA

Received on Wednesday, 15 September 1999 11:59:42 UTC