Re: source files

In-reply-to: Your message of Mon, 16 Aug 1999 13:25:04 -0400."

> downloaded 4 meg of source to a windows environment
> file is in .gz format which winzip rejects ---- 
> how do i extract them for viewing --- will probably not
> compile but if i can find area that needs tweaking, then
> i can suggest to w3 how to modify....

You can extract them from the tar file with winzip (
But you can also get files from our CVS base

> really need to get the right color pallette for full 216 range of
> colors --- gray/grey especially.

I guess your problem is not related to the palette itself but to the
algorithm that finds out the nearest color in the palette when the system
cannot download a new requested color.
See below the list of colors defined in the palette:

255 255 255  White
  0   0   0  Black
250 250 250  LightGrey2
225 225 225  LightGrey1
190 190 190  Grey
158 158 158  DarkGrey1
118 118 118  DarkGrey2
 80  80  80  DarkGrey3
255 237 237  LightRed4
255 193 193  LightRed3
255 149 149  LightRed2
255 105 105  LightRed1
255   0   0  Red
229   0   0  DarkRed1
178   0   0  DarkRed2
127   0   0  DarkRed3
255 244 237  LightCoral4
255 216 193  LightCoral3
255 188 149  LightCoral2
255 160 105  LightCoral1
255  95   0  Coral
229  85   0  DarkCoral1
178  66   0  DarkCoral2
127  47   0  DarkCoral3
255 248 237  LightOrange4
255 233 193  LightOrange3
255 218 149  LightOrange2
255 203 105  LightOrange1
255 170   0  Orange
229 153   0  DarkOrange1
178 119   0  DarkOrange2
127  85   0  DarkOrange3
255 251 237  LightGold4
255 246 193  LightGold3
255 241 149  LightGold2
255 236 105  LightGold1
255 229   0  Gold
229 206   0  DarkGold1
178 161   0  DarkGold2
127 116   0  DarkGold3
255 255 237  LightYellow4
255 255 193  LightYellow3
255 255 149  LightYellow2
255 255 105  LightYellow1
255 255   0  Yellow
229 229   0  DarkYellow1
178 178   0  DarkYellow2
127 127   0  DarkYellow3
250 255 237  LightLime4
248 255 193  LightLime3
246 255 149  LightLime2
244 255 105  LightLime1
241 255   0  Lime
217 229   0  DarkLime1
169 178   0  DarkLime2
121 127   0  DarkLime3
249 255 237  LightYellowGreen4
239 255 193  LightYellowGreen3
229 255 149  LightYellowGreen2
219 255 105  LightYellowGreen1
199 255   0  YellowGreen
179 229   0  DarkYellowGreen1
140 178   0  DarkYellowGreen2
101 127   0  DarkYellowGreen3
244 255 237  LightLawnGreen4
222 255 193  LightLawnGreen3
200 255 149  LightLawnGreen2
178 255 105  LightLawnGreen1
128 255   0  LawnGreen
115 229   0  DarkLawnGreen1
 90 178   0  DarkLawnGreen2
 65 127   0  DarkLawnGreen3
237 255 237  LightGreen4
193 255 193  LightGreen3
149 255 149  LightGreen2
105 255 105  LightGreen1
  0 255   0  Green
  0 229   0  DarkGreen1
  0 178   0  DarkGreen2
  0 127   0  DarkGreen3
237 255 248  LightTurquoise4
193 255 233  LightTurquoise3
149 255 218  LightTurquoise2
105 255 203  LightTurquoise1
  0 255 170  Turquoise
  0 229 153  DarkTurquoise1
  0 178 119  DarkTurquoise2
  0 127  85  DarkTurquoise3
237 255 255  LightCyan4
193 255 255  LightCyan3
149 255 255  LightCyan2
105 255 255  LightCyan1
  0 255 255  Cyan
  0 229 229  DarkCyan1
  0 178 178  DarkCyan2
  0 127 127  DarkCyan3
237 248 255  LightSkyBlue4
193 238 255  LightSkyBlue3
149 228 255  LightSkyBlue2
105 218 255  LightSkyBlue1
  0 198 255  SkyBlue
  0 178 229  DarkSkyBlue1
  0 139 178  DarkSkyBlue2
  0 100 127  DarkSkyBlue3
237 243 255  LightBlue4
193 219 255  LightBlue3
149 195 255  LightBlue2
105 171 255  LightBlue1
  0 113 255  Blue
  0 102 229  DarkBlue1
  0  80 178  DarkBlue2
  0  58 127  DarkBlue3
237 237 255  LightIndigo4
193 193 255  LightIndigo3
149 149 255  LightIndigo2
105 105 255  LightIndigo1
  0   0 255  Indigo
  0   0 229  DarkIndigo1
  0   0 178  DarkIndigo2
  0   0 127  DarkIndigo3
243 237 255  LightViolet4
213 193 255  LightViolet3
183 149 255  LightViolet2
153 105 255  LightViolet1
 85   0 255  Violet
 76   0 229  DarkViolet1
 59   0 178  DarkViolet2
 42   0 127  DarkViolet3
247 237 255  LightPurple4
235 193 255  LightPurple3
223 149 255  LightPurple2
211 105 255  LightPurple1
187   0 255  Purple
168   0 229  DarkPurple1
131   0 178  DarkPurple2
 94   0 127  DarkPurple3
255 237 255  LightMagenta4
255 193 255  LightMagenta3
255 149 255  LightMagenta2
255 105 255  LightMagenta1
255   0 255  Magenta
229   0 229  DarkMagenta1
178   0 178  DarkMagenta2
127   0 127  DarkMagenta3
255 237 244  LightRuby4
255 193 222  LightRuby3
255 149 200  LightRuby2
255 105 178  LightRuby1
255   0 128  Ruby
229   0 115  DarkRuby1
178   0  90  DarkRuby2
127   0  65  DarkRuby3

Received on Tuesday, 17 August 1999 03:16:13 UTC