attempt to write sample snipets

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I am attempting to write code snippets as examples of
using style sheet codes. To wit how to include in file...
so i thought that i could use
<script>   my example of how script container is used
of course it doesnt work as <pre> doesn't shut off tag
interpretation --- after RTFM i note pre allows certain
tags for formatting purposes.  Fair enough. Wrong choice
of tags  so i then tried <SAMP>  for sample code 
but it didnt work nor did <CODE>.  Is there no tag that
shuts off all interpretation until its closer is hit.....
I am now stuck with the rather crude character attribute
for lt and gt method.  Surely there is a better technique ???
john russell -- sorry for off topicness but the gurus of html
live on this list and as benny hill said 'cut out the middle men'

john russell  VE3LL@RAC.CA


Received on Saturday, 14 August 1999 18:49:19 UTC