Re: keyboard short-cuts

I use a number of emacs bindings for the file menu:

Control X followed by control:

f to open a file
s to save
2 to create a new window (in 2.0 and before. Now it creates a new file)
w to save as
p to print (I use ctrl p by itself for setup and print)
k to close a window (file)
c to quit amaya

(some of these are in the default file for version 2.1 for Linux, which is a
substantial improvement on the 2.0 default file.)

Charles McCN

On Fri, 25 Jun 1999, chuck trier wrote:

  Amaya2.1 Win95-98.  Openned Amaya.kb in Notepad.
  Added 2 lines:  Ctrl <key>SpecialKey='Home': TtcPageTop
                  Ctrl <key>SpecialKey='End':  TtcPageEnd
  Saved as amaya.txt and then changed amaya.kb to amaya.bak
  and amaya.txt to amaya.kb.
  So now Control Home takes me to the beginning of a page
  and Control End takes me to the end of the page.
  Would be interested in reading or hearing from others
  about the shortcut keys they have installed.  What were
  the old Wordstar key combos or WP combos or Emacs combos?
  Thanks.  Really like the idea of a combo editor/browser.
  - Chuck

Received on Friday, 25 June 1999 15:27:23 UTC