Re: Linux problem said:
> I just installed Amaya 2.1 for Linux and cannot enter anything into
> dialog boxes in the pull down menus.  I can click on the field, the
> curser appears, but it will not accept keyboard input. 

You just need to turn off NumLock. said:
> On Thu, Jun 10, 1999 at 11:32:55AM -0400, Jeffrey Wescott wrote:
> >It seems that typing into any of the text fields is disabled when
> >NumLock is on (in the Linux version).
>   Yep, bad interraction of X11R6 and our version of Motif-2.0,
> unfortunately hard to solve on either side. But if someone has a clue
> on this, patches or pointers are welcome ! 


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Received on Friday, 25 June 1999 04:41:22 UTC