Re: Opera

At 03:10 AM 6/11/99 MDT, Paul Derbyshire wrote:
>I've noticed some sort of links to do with Opera while browsing your site.
>Opera is a Web browser notorious for being not too user-friendly and for
>$$$-ware (while all other Web browsers are freeware).

And _where_, exactly, is this notoriety prevalent?  I use this browser
almost always having to resort to IE or NN only for those sites which
have coded their pages to exploit one or the other.  It is IMO more
flexible and customizable than either of IE or NN.  It's support of
Java is more consistent and standard.  (It realizes Java using the Sun
plugin.)  It is fast and has a small footprint.  Surely Opera doesn't
have this reputation with its regular users.  See  And it doesn't have
this reputation in the opinion of many technical writers.  See

In the case of big sites, I often find that if I am limited to NN or
IE, some parts work well with IE, some others better with NN.  If I
want consistent behavior, I need to use Opera.

As far as paying your way goes, see



Received on Friday, 11 June 1999 06:36:21 UTC