

thanks to W3 for Amaya (my system is WinNT 4.0 and the last Amaya from It's reall cool and more I continue in my authoring of
"Legal review of two free licences under the Czech law" more I like it.
However, there is one thing, which doesn't work as it should (even when
it works much better, than I did expect!) -- printing in Amaya.

1) Sometimes (or very often, around one half of cases) Amaya refuses to
print (after going through system dialog box for printing) and says
something like "Directory not empty" or so. After that it leaves open
new directory in my %TEMP% directory with some garbage in. Usually, it
is much worse directly to printer, than to file, but sometimes even
printing to file fails.

2) It seems to me that Amaya plainly doesn't take into account any style
sheet settings when printing. Even when I have amaya.css in amaya dir
and it perfectly shows what I would love on the screen, it doesn't
bother herself with any sheet settings when printing.

Is there anybody who has any idea, what's up with me?

			Thanks and have a nice day


Received on Wednesday, 9 June 1999 11:44:32 UTC