Re: Printing? 2.0 on w95

In-reply-to: Your message of Tue, 04 May 1999 09:30:54 +0100."


The print button looks for your default printer and send the
job to it. So the only thing you have on the screen is a dialog 
box telling you that the printing process is in progress.
The Setup & print menu let you choose your printer if many
are available, the paper format, etc.

The release 1.4* of Amaya is installd in the directory ...\Thot\...
for example C:\Program Files\Thot
The release 2.0 is installed in ...\Amaya\... this is why the 
new release does not overwrite the last one. If you want to remove
any version of Amaya, you only have to remove the directory
Thot (for 1.4*) or Amaya (for 2.0) and everything will be removed.

I don't know what exactly is the problem with the print because
I never seen it. So please if you notice any problem about
this issue could you report it to us with more details:
- What exacly is happened,
- What message have you got if any,
- ...


>Has anyone got Amaya 2.0 to print on w95?
>I got a copy of 2.0 this morning using the numeric form - I trust someone
>is going to clarify the situation about the UK office hijacking the URL to
>their mirror (for sites). It would be nice to have known what was
>going on and to have some idea of when the AC.UK mirror gets updated.
>Anyway, my first move was a bad one - to "make book" on the online manual
>(no problem there) - and to try to print it. I never have managed to get
>any useful action using the "print" button (it seems to go directly into a
>print-to-file dialogue), I have found that File/Print works better and
>stuck to that. This time I went straight for the print button, got a C++
>Assertion Error box appear and then on clicking "ignore" my PC shutdown
>directly to the "You may now switch off" screen. (But it didn't shut
>tidily, it ran scandisk on restarting.)
>Of course, I cannot reproduce that particular failure 8-) ... however
>Amaya 2.0 is being consistent in that every time I try to print, it goes
>through the motions and then shuts itself down (just Amaya that is, not
>w95) without sending anything to the printer.
>I think I'll go back to 1.4a - which did not get uninstalled by the 2.0
>installation. That begs questions in itself - (1) could that be part of my
>problem with 2.0? and (2) are there instructions as to what I can delete
>safely from c:\Program Files\Thot\ hierarchy once I have got 2.0 in
>working shape?
>	Malcolm.
>| Malcolm Austen,                              Tel: +44(0) 1865 273216
>| Oxford University Computing Services,        Fax: +44(0) 1865 273275
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>| Oxford, OX2 6NN, England       WWW -

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Received on Tuesday, 4 May 1999 04:53:25 UTC