Re: Wishes for Amaya

> Sender:
> From: "David Meadows" <>
> Resent-From:
> Date: Wed, 28 Apr 1999 22:42:58 +0100
> To: "Amaya List" <>
> Subject: Re: Wishes for Amaya
> -----
> >> By the way, we plan the replace in the Windows versions the ESC key by
> the
> >F2
> >> key to select enclosing elements. What do you think?
> >
> >ESC is ok. Why do you want to change it?
> As a Windows user, I find "Esc" very unnatural. It is a key I expect to use
> to close or cancel things. F2 seems much more logical.
> >Much more important is to select text with shift combinations like
> >shift-home, shift page up, ...
> >a <br> is normally inserted with shift return and not ctrl return. For me
> >that's much more annoying in the Windows version.
> I agree with these. These are very common features in Windows applications
> (especially the keyboard shortcuts for selection) and Amaya would be more
> user-friendly (on Windows) if it used these conventions.
> I use Amaya because of it's functionality, which I think is very good, but I
> wish the interface had a Windows feel. At the moment it feels like a Unix
> port.

There are 2 classes of Amaya users: Those who primarily use Windows boxes,
and would like it to look like a native Windows app; and those (like me),
who like the fact that Amaya feels the same on both Windows and UNIX,
making our lives tremendously easier.

I see no solution short of having two sets of bindings: one Windows
like, and one UNIX like.  These bindings could share quite a bit, but
be different in some respects.

So I see nothing short of letting the user do the bindings the way they 
wantas a good long term solution, and sending out (at least 2) bindings 
that users can choose from.

				- Jim

Received on Wednesday, 28 April 1999 21:46:16 UTC