Re: More menu problems with Amaya 1.3b/AIX

undo button is very important.
>Following on from my earlier mail, I find that not only are their problems
>with the Views drop-down menu but also with Style and Help.  The problem is
>the same, in that the function performed is that of the item just above
>that which is clicked on.
>I also have a couple of ideas for future versions these are:
> - line numbers
>     When Amaya, tidy, weblint or any other html analyser finds errors it
>     gives the corresponding line number of the source file.  Without a
>     line-number mode, this means using another editor to find the problem.
> - an "undo" button on the editor.  It would be nice to be able to "undo"
>   an edit when a change doesn't produce the effect desired.
>           jez
>XS-BU Architecture,
>Groupe Bull S.A.,  
>1 rue de Provence,
>38432 Echirolles CEDEX      tel : +33 476 297 821
>France.                     fax : +33 476 297 862

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Received on Thursday, 3 December 1998 16:33:07 UTC