Re: Some comments on Amaya 1.3a.

Paul Derbyshire wrote:
> >Amaya does not support MATHML yet! I never said Amaya should implement the
> glitch.
> Strange. My copy does. It's version 1.3a... you have an earlier version I
> presume?
> As near as I can tell, Amaya 1.3a+ is the world's only software supporting
> MathML.

Paul-- I am now using Amaya 1.3b and it does so little MATHML that it is 
worthless for even simple presentations.
If you want I can list all the MATHML it does not support?

Current limitations
Amaya implements only the Presentation Tags from MathML, not the Content Markup.
All presentation elements are available, but only some MathML attributes are 
currently implemented (for instance fontstyle which is available in the Attributes 
menu when a mi element is selected). However, the class, id and style attributes 
are available, with the same semantics as in HTML: you can associate CSS style 
with MathML elements (class and style attributes) and a MathML element can be the 
target of a link (id attribute).
Only a limited set of entities representing math symbols are recognized by the 
parser, mainly those available in the Symbol font. The current version supports: 
Therefore, SuchThat, DownTee, Or, And, Not, Exists, ForAll, Element, NotElement, 
NotSubset, Subset, SubsetEqual, Superset, SupersetEqual, DoubleLeftArrow, 
DoubleLeftRightArrow, DoubleRightArrow, LeftArrow, LeftRightArrow, RightArrow, 
Congruent, GreaterEqual, le, NotEqual, Proportional, VerticalBar, Union, 
Intersection, PlusMinus, CirclePlus, Sum, Integral, CircleTimes, Product, 
CenterDot, Diamond, PartialD, DoubleDownArrow, DoubleUpArrow, DownArrow, UpArrow, 
ApplyFunction, TripleDot.

Jim FitzSimons

Received on Thursday, 12 November 1998 20:00:24 UTC