Re: Some comments on Amaya 1.3a.

David J Woolley wrote:
> >
> > Is there any other browser that does show greek on this site?
> IE 4.01
> There is no special plug in, unless you call NT4 (SP3) a plug in.  I
> suspect that you may be trying it on a less Unicode aware operating
> system.  You might need to download the latest true type fonts from
> Microsoft, although the fonts here are only those intalled by IE4,
> NT4, or MS Office.
> The exact build number is 4.72.3110.8.
> > Lynx does not do greek. For example &Rho is P not R.
>                                            ^^ looks like
> (Win32) Lynx does the best it can in console mode.  It has to work
> within the constraints of the current console code page.  As such it
> has to approximate.  But the point is that it is recognizing the
> entities.  There could be some errors in its code tables, as well.
> (Lynx supports multiple display character sets, including the DOS
> greek code page and UTF8.  I would expect both of these to display
> the greek characters correctly in the greek1 version.)
> Incidentally, Amaya currently behaves like Netscape.  I regret to
> have to say this, but IE4 is currently the best implementation of
> HTML 4, as a browser.
David-- I have no unicode. How can I get it? I just loaded windows 98.
We have MSDOS, NT, Sun stuff, and Windows. I always run the sun in text mode.
Lynx is great on the sun station 10.
My hobby is mathematics so I use TeX and LaTeX. The IBM TeX, LaTeX, MATHML, 
and XML plug in is a step forward. It is not complete. TtH is better. 
I have been programming computers since 1962 so I guess you would consider
me a nerd, but I try to limit the use of jargon. I think computers are a tool 
to serve mankind. Mankind should not serve the computer.
Until XML and MATHML is supported by somebody they are of little use. Amaya 
does not have MATHML. Like you say IE4 has the best HTML 4. In my IE4 α 
shows up as a blank rectangle. Amaya 1.3b shows α correctly. 
I assume MicroSoft has chosen not to support unicode except on NT4. You say I
can get unicode in truetype somewhere?
Jargon I used: unicode, MSDOS, NT, sun, lynx, Tex, LaTeX, MATHML, XML, tth, IE4,
HTML 4, truetype, and amaya. 
Regards, Jim
Jim FitzSimons

Received on Wednesday, 11 November 1998 10:10:18 UTC