- From: David J Woolley <djw@bts.co.uk>
- Date: Tue, 10 Nov 1998 20:00:07 +0100
- To: www-amaya@w3.org
> This is a test of greek. > http://www.neta.com/~cherry/greek.html There is no Greek in that HTML it is all in Roman letters but shown with rather strange shapes. It is an example of the misuse of fonts. Incidentally, even the text only browser Lynx will attempt to render Greek as best it can if done properly. α displays as o acute and ω as w, in code page 437. Yours just displays as: [1]TEX source a A Alpha b B Beta g G Gamma d D Delta e E Epsilon z Z Zeta h H Eta q Q Theta i I Iota k K Kappa l L Lambda m M Mu n N Nu x X Xi o O Omicron p P Pi r P Rho s S Sigma t T Tau u Y Upsilon f F Phi c X Chi y Y Psi w W Omega _________________________________________________________________ This is the same thing done properly (showing the rendering would require GIFs, but Lynx does a fair job of approximating this and IE4 gets it perfect). Unfortunately NS 4.05 doesn't understand these entities: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/loose.dtd"><HTML> <p> α Α Alpha β Β Beta γ Γ Gamma δ Δ Delta ε Ε Epsilon ζ Ζ Zeta η Η Eta θ Θ Theta <p> ι Ι Iota κ Κ Kappa λ Λ Lambda μ Μ Mu ν Ν Nu ξ Ξ Xi ο Ο Omicron π Π Pi <p> ρ Ρ Rho σ Σ Sigma τ Τ Tau υ Υ Upsilon φ Φ Phi χ Χ Chi ψ Ψ Psi ω Ω Omega </HTML> -- David Woolley - Office: David Woolley <djw@bts.co.uk> BTS Home: <david@djwhome.demon.co.uk> Wallington TQ 2887 6421 England 51 21' 44" N, 00 09' 01" W (WGS 84)
Received on Tuesday, 10 November 1998 15:13:01 UTC