
> The MathML specification has changed and Amaya too.
> Now tags must be given in lowercase and the right entity is
> ⁢
> Your example should be now:
> <html>
>  <body>
>   <math>
>     <mi>a</mi> &InvisibleTimes; <mo>+</mo> &InvisibleTimes; <mi>b</mi>
>   </math>
>  </body>
> </html>
> Regards
>   Irene.

&InvisibleTimes; to produce a blank space?! Seems that MarkUp is
becoming bloatware. Can't the tags become smaller, not inrease 3 and a
bit fold???

And case sensitive tags???? Whats that about?


Received on Wednesday, 21 October 1998 14:36:09 UTC