Re: publishing


In our previous episode, tony mollica said:
> I do have write permission to the server,
> that is I can ftp in to my directory and
> 'put' the files in and I can publish with
> the Netscape web page editor with no problems.
> I've tried every combination of http and ftp
> paths I can think of, but the file doesn't show
> up in my home page directory.  I'll add the 
> switch to .thotrc to see if that helps.

Amaya can publish only thru HTTP. FTP publication
is not supported and results in an error message
in the status bar.

Did you try to do an HTTP PUT (publish) using Netscape?
If this doesn't work, your HTTP server may be misconfigured.

There's a Help item (top right button) describing how the
Publishing process works. It also gives some hints on how
to configure the httpd server.

I've tested Amaya 1.3a against both Apache and Jigsaw and
have had no problems to publish from different platforms.

> Also, I noticed that I get Thot tool kit errors
> 54 and 55 in the xterm that Amaya was run from.
> Any clue where I can find more info on this?

This was a bug that's now fixed. Instead of getting a
"Authentication failed. Retry?" dialogue, you are getting
those errors. Probably Amaya prompted you for a password
and you gave a wrong one. Also, there were some authentication
bugs in libwww which complicated the reuse of authentication
information. Thus, sometimes you could see many requests for
passwords while accessing a protected site. I talk in the past
as all of these bugs have been fixed since then.

Tell me if your server was misconfigured. Looking at the server
logs may give some other clues.

We'll soon have a minor release ready with the bug fixes.
Note that I was able to publish even when those bugs existed.

Thanks for keeping us update.


Received on Wednesday, 7 October 1998 23:40:34 UTC