Re: Renamed: Amaya as browser, not editor

Jacques Steyn <> said:
> So in my view standard text editors do the job of authoring just fine. 

Except when it come to editing tables or complex multi-level lists, in
which case WYSIWYG editors are far superior.

>  Apart from Dreamweaver all the other packages force markup in where 
> I do not want it

Have you tried AOLpress? It's available for free for Unix, Windows and
Mac platforms at It supports
HTML 3.2 and is quite impressive at generating good HTML syntax. I've
been using it for years now, and keep using it when I don't need to do
HTML 4 specific stuff. It allows you to edit the HTML code directly, if 
you wish, and you can choose when the updated HTML code should be parsed 
to update the WYSIWYG window. Unfortunately, I don't think it is still 
maintained, which means that it will stay an HTML 3.2 editor.

Anyway, going back to your comment, I don't think you can accuse Amaya of
forcing mark-up on you, can you?

I really hope that W3C will keep working on Amaya as a WYSIWYG editor
with embedded browsing capabilities. I find it very useful, and I find 
the "book" and link printing capabilities very useful too . I would just 
hope they had more manpower to move a little faster at implementing all 
of CSS1.


Bertrand Ibrahim.
My PGP public key is in my WWW home page.
Its fingerprint is 27 F8 E6 45 76 C4 E4 90 C5 83 2A 14 20 CC 7D FC

Received on Friday, 2 October 1998 14:49:37 UTC